The Soaring Blog is your go-to resource for actionable tips and transformative ideas that cater to your growth, both personal and professionally.

Self-Awareness Lori Prust Self-Awareness Lori Prust

Self-Care Tips for the Weekend!

This week, we’re diving into self-care. According to the Global Self-Care Federation, self-care is all about managing your own health with the knowledge you have, collaborating with health professionals when needed. In our constantly busy society, this practice is crucial to prevent burnout and maintain our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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Self-Awareness Lori Prust Self-Awareness Lori Prust

Permission to Self-Validate, Yes Please!

Have you ever found yourself caught in the relentless pursuit of external validation, just like Andy Sachs in The Devil Wears Prada? I know this struggle all too well. Like Andy, I sought validation from others, both at work and within my immediate family. This subconscious habit went unnoticed until I faced repeated instances of feeling undervalued. Read More!

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Self-Awareness Lori Prust Self-Awareness Lori Prust

3 Actions To Stop Over-Explaining

Are you constantly explaining yourself to be understood? You don't need to justify your thoughts or decisions to anyone. The only approval you need is from yourself, guided by your values. Discover how letting go of over-explaining can lead to greater self-assurance and freedom. Download our FREE values exercise to begin your journey of self-discovery today. Learn from Sarah's story and find practical steps to trust your instincts and embrace your true worth. Join SOAR Clarity Coaching and start prioritizing your own approval over external validation.

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Self-Awareness Lori Prust Self-Awareness Lori Prust

30 Days Post-Corporate

Have you ever felt like your job was pulling you in a direction that didn't align with your strengths and passions? If that sounds familiar, you're in good company. Today, I'm sharing my journey of breaking free from the confines of corporate life to pursue a path that truly aligns with who I am. So, grab a cup of coffee and let's dive in!

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Self-Awareness Tara Tharpe Self-Awareness Tara Tharpe

A Transformation Journey

Join us as we dive into Tara’s powerful journey of transformation. From the highs of a successful career to the lows of divorce, Tara shares her raw and inspiring story of finding hope and renewal through faith. Don't miss out on her uplifting message of resilience and discovering your true identity.

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Self-Awareness Lori Prust Self-Awareness Lori Prust

Boundaries and Self-Awareness

Have you ever set boundaries in your life? It might seem like a cliché in today's culture, but what if I told you that defining healthy boundaries could actually help remove hardships and anxiety, while also being kind towards yourself?

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Self-Awareness Lori Prust Self-Awareness Lori Prust

Pain Changes You

If this holiday season is different, and includes disappointment and heartache, remember it is okay if you don’t feel merry and joyous. You don’t have to. As hard as it may be, try to embrace the pain and sit with the sorrow. Seek to understand what it means and what shifts might need to happen for you to find peace and joy again. You may wonder how on earth can you do this. Read more to find out!

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Self-Awareness Lori Prust Self-Awareness Lori Prust

Defensiveness vs. Gratitude

Navigating between defensiveness vs. gratitude can be such a hard thing to do yet so rewarding. Whether at work, with friends, or with family, the impulse to react defensively often comes from feelings of hurt, shame, or a fear of being seen as incompetent. With Thanksgiving approaching, the topic of gratitude feels particularly fitting.

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