The Soaring Blog is your go-to resource for actionable tips and transformative ideas that cater to your growth, both personal and professionally.

Enneagram Lori Prust Enneagram Lori Prust

Beyond Reassurance

Have you ever felt like the waves of life keep crashing in, one after another, rocking your sense of joy and happiness? Me too! As a Type 2, The Helper, in the Dependent Stance, I often seek reassurance from others to feel okay and accepted. But what happens when the person I’m looking to for reassurance isn’t okay? This realization has led me on a journey of self-discovery, learning to strengthen my core being to weather any storm. Join me as I share insights and strategies for finding stability and emotional resilience, even when life feels overwhelming.

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Enneagram Lori Prust Enneagram Lori Prust

Navigating Life with the Enneagram!

The Enneagram is one of the best tools for self-discovery and personal growth. If you haven’t figured it out yet – we love it!

One of its lesser-known yet powerful pieces is the concept of stances and orientation to time. Say what?!

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Enneagram Lori Prust Enneagram Lori Prust

Do the Work with the Enneagram

Like others, in the beginning, the Enneagram was a fun personality tool. Something I could talk about with friends and family on the surface. Relating to “The Helper” personality type 2 tendencies. Looking ahead a few years from when I discovered the system, now that I am a certified Enneagram coach, and have been coached myself. I've found that knowing the in’s and out’s of the system and understanding the core of the Enneagram can greatly influence our lives.

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Enneagram Lori Prust Enneagram Lori Prust

Enneagram Coaching

We’ve got exciting news to share! As we expand our services, I'm thrilled to announce that I'm becoming a certified Enneagram coach! With certification on the horizon, SOAR S.D. will soon offer Enneagram Coaching to everyone!

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