Reconnecting with Purpose: Finding Strength in Life's Challenges

Hey, Soaring Blog friends! So glad you’re here.

I've been so consumed with growing my coaching business and navigating this new season of my life that I may have lost sight of my purpose and the amazing opportunities and blessings right in front of me.

This week, I revisited a story I wrote a couple of years ago about my dad and the devastating state we found him in back in 2019. This brought back memories of how my sister and I served a purpose in his life during that difficult time.

Reflecting on My Dad’s Story

My dad’s life was marked by many traumas. He grew up with alcoholic parents, was placed in foster care, and discovered my mother’s long-term affair with his employee. In 1992, a car accident involving a semi-truck left him both physically injured and mentally scarred.

He was misdiagnosed first with Parkinson’s and later with schizophrenia, which shattered his trust in both the medical profession and my mother.

Our relationship was strained, especially after our mother’s death from Lewy Body Dementia.

In February 2019, we learned from his neighbor that Dad was gravely ill and on hospice.

When we visited, we found his house in disarray, reflecting his tormented mind and paranoia. Despite his fragile state, he greeted us warmly.

The house was filled with remnants of his delusions, covered in dirt and mold, and infested with cockroaches.

Seeing his decline was heartbreaking.

Despite everything, he had been talking to Jesus, and I prayed for him, feeling a deep connection and gratitude for the moment. This experience reminded me of our purpose and the strength we brought to him in his time of need.

Our strength became his strength.

At SOAR Clarity Coaching…

Our mission is to ensure that another day doesn't slip by without you knowing how precious you are and that you have unique value, strengths, and gifts.

Recognizing Your Worth

Our coaching often begins by taking time to recognize that you are made in the image of God and are fully known and loved.

We reflect on the past, acknowledging losses, expressing gratitude, and understanding that some past thoughts and behaviors may no longer be helpful.

We'll explore your values and how they've shaped your life.

We start here to get you to a place where you can envision and embrace a fresh start. It will become clear what you should build upon vs. what you need to let go of.

To reach a place of authentic self-awareness and transformation, you need to be open to change to achieve a more fulfilled and purpose-driven you.

Reflect on this with me, friend: you were created specifically for this time. Your gifts, experiences, presence, and soul are important.

Don't take for granted how being alive has such a profound impact on those around you—whether family, friends, co-workers, or even strangers.

We can get so wrapped up in the day-to-day activities and become so short-sighted that we lose our sense of purpose and the opportunities we have.

Finding Your Purpose

Just like my sister and I found purpose in supporting our dad, you have a purpose that is just as important.

Your unique experiences and strengths are vital, and you have so much to offer to the world.

Here are some ways to reconnect with your purpose:

  • Reflect on Your Journey: Take some time to look back at the experiences that have shaped you. How have they prepared you for where you are now?

  • Recognize Your Strengths: Identify the unique strengths and gifts you bring to the table. How can they make a difference in your life and the lives of others?

  • Embrace Your Impact: Acknowledge the profound impact you have on those around you. Even small actions can make a big difference.

  • Stay Present: Don't let the busyness of life distract you from the blessings and opportunities in front of you. Stay present and appreciate the moments that matter.

You may be someone’s strength today.

You are here for a reason and your presence is needed.

SOAR Clarity Coaching is dedicated to helping you recognize your unique value and strengths.

Do your very best to make sure every day is filled with purpose and meaning, knowing that you are making a difference. I will do the same.

Our signature 6-week group coaching program, Path to Clarity and Growth starts on July 10th. This program focuses on increasing self-awareness, clarifying values, and creating a personalized growth plan to help you live with purpose and confidence.

Seats are limited to maintain an intimate group setting that facilitates trust and connection. We’d love for you to join us! You can find more information here.

Final Thoughts

Remember, you were made for this time. Your gifts, experiences, and presence are invaluable.

Embrace your purpose and know that you have so much to offer.

As always…on your side and in your corner,



Permission to Self-Validate, Yes Please!


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