Life Is A Highway!

hello soaring blog friends! we are so glad you're here!

Looking ahead, I see the highway with cars and semi-trucks all around us.

Our van is going approximately 70 miles an hour due to a frustrating speed limiter, with the travel trailer in tow.

Tony’s driving and I’m in the passenger seat. We are heading to a motorcycle race in New Jersey.

Three months ago, I was sitting in the same seat, heading to a motorcycle race in South Carolina. However, my thoughts were very different then.

I was contemplating my life with anxiety and trepidation about working in a job that no longer served me and was out of alignment with who I am.

Tony and I discussed how I could leave, what that would look like, and how it would change our lives. We talked about what we’d do for health insurance, living on much less, and what it would look like for me to start my own business.

That same weekend, I decided to leave my corporate job, though it didn’t take place for three more weeks.

One of the hardest thoughts I wrestled with was stepping into the unknown.

  • Could it be worse than the friction I felt daily at my job?

  • What if I fail?

  • What does failure look like anyway?

How I knew I was out of alignment

I started to pay attention to how I was feeling. You can tell you're out of alignment by paying intentional attention (say that six times fast…lol) to your feelings and emotions.

Also, note how your body reacts to everyday situations and the stress that might surface.

Do you feel panic? Does your face flush? Does your stomach start aching? Do you wake up as tired as you were the night before? Are you feeling burnt out? These are all signs things may be out of alignment in your life.

Where things are now
  • I’m looking forward to being more present at the racetrack when Tony is racing.

  • I’ve learned to lean on God more for direction.

  • I am just fine! We are just fine! (This one choked me up to say out loud. I am so grateful!)

  • Tony and I have partnered on a different level because I stepped into a vulnerable position by making less money in our marriage. Since childhood, I was programmed to believe that I must do things and add value to be loved. This is simply untrue.

Leap, friends, leap!

Sometimes, you just need to leap into alignment in your life. Take the step when all you can feel is friction, and life is no longer enjoyable.

Now, I’m not suggesting you leap without a plan or proper support. These things are critical.

The first step, however, is to decide you desire something different in your life.

We, SOAR Clarity Coaching, want to partner with you to achieve that alignment!

Don’t miss the opportunity to join the 6-week coaching program “Path to Clarity and Growthstarting July 10th! Space is limited as this will be an intimate group of real women supporting real women!

On your side and in your corner,



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Self-Care Tips for the Weekend!