How Can We Help?

Hey soaring blog friends! we're so glad you're here!

Remember the show New Amsterdam where the medical director, Dr. Max Goodwin, always asked, "How can I help?" - I love that question.

Anytime someone asks me that in my life, I can't help but smile. It gives me a feeling that they truly care about me and want to understand my needs.

Ana and I thought it would be a great idea to break down how SOAR Clarity Coaching can help and clarify what it is that we do and how we can help.

We focus on reducing the friction, resistance to motion, in your life that comes from not knowing your unique gifts, strengths, and value.

This friction feels like pain or discomfort—it shows up when we make decisions based on others' expectations or when we're unclear about who we are and what we want.

This friction drains our peace, confidence, and joy in life. Life's too short to let that happen!

At the heart of our company, we focus on helping individuals clarify their gifts, strengths, and understand that they are inherently worthy. Here's how we do that:

  1. Individual and Group Coaching: Whether you prefer one-on-one sessions or the fellowship of group coaching, we're here to support you on your journey to self-discovery and growth.

  2. Relationship Coaching: Building and maintaining healthy relationships is crucial. We work with you to enhance your interpersonal skills and create stronger, more meaningful connections. If you're interested in this type of service, reach out to us via email or schedule a quick call to discuss your needs and questions.

  3. Business Consulting: We partner with businesses to boost employee and team self-awareness, fostering a culture of empathy and effective communication. If you're looking to enhance leadership abilities, establish mechanisms for talent development, or improve team cohesion, let's start a conversation to explore how we can help your organization thrive.

To achieve these goals, we leverage powerful tools such as the Enneagram for deeper self-understanding, values exploration to align actions with core beliefs, and Emotional Intelligence Frameworks (EQ-i 2.0 and EQ-360) for personal and professional success, and personalized coaching plans tailored to individual needs and goals.

Our coaching philosophy is simple

  • Empowering You to Discover and Embrace Your Strengths: We are passionate about helping you discover your strengths, recognize your value, and own your worth.

  • Finding Fulfillment Through Self-Understanding: We believe true growth and fulfillment come from understanding your unique gifts, passions, and purpose.

  • A Holistic Approach to Personal Growth: Our holistic approach encompasses self-awareness, personal development, and meaningful connections.

Through SOAR Clarity Coaching, we aim to empower you to reach new heights, both personally and professionally. Whether you're an individual seeking clarity or a business looking to foster a more self-aware and effective team, we're here to help you soar.

Stay updated with our latest developments and offerings—subscribe here!

On your side and in your corner,



Navigating Life with the Enneagram!


Life Is A Highway!