Reflection: The Hardest Times

Dear friends, I came across a blog I wrote six years ago during the most challenging period of my life.

As I reflect on it now, I am so so thankful. When I originally wrote this blog, I was just beginning to walk through the deepest part of that difficult season, which continued for six more years after I put my thoughts into words.

Today, I want to encourage you to identify the sources of strength that have or are carrying you through life's storms. In my case, it was my faith in God, my immediate family, and a handful of exceptionally supportive friends. I clung to the motto "one day at a time" because we were not designed to bear more than a single day's burden.

When was the last time you stopped to reflect? To reflect on the seasons of life you’ve walked through, how you’ve learned, grown, and transformed? The things and people that sustained you? I’d encourage you to take time to reflect on how far you’ve come. Take it a step further….where would you like to go? What does your future look like?

November 24, 2016 - Blog

On this Thanksgiving Day my mind is forced to think back over the year. I feel incredibly grateful for so many things. Here are some of them:

  • To have the opportunity to re-connect with my mom and show her unconditional love before she passed away. Our time together in person or on the phone was down to 1 or 2 times a year for quite some time.

  • To have the strength, wisdom, and ability to orchestrate provision and care for my mom at the end of her life.

  • A strong sister who loved me unconditionally through uncertainty and continues to be one of my best friends.

  • A husband and daughter who prayed for me and my family. Who remained silent when I needed them to listen and offered hugs when they were much-needed. For the grace they extended to me and continue to extend as I continue to grieve.

  • A God I called on many times for help, peace, and strength to help me as I tried to balance being a vessel to help my parents during a time of brokenness and sickness, to help me stay focused in order to retain my job, to be a mom, and wife. The Lord provided me with clear direction that He was using me as a tool in a terrible situation, but that He had control of the storm and I was NOT to own it. Nahum 1:7 – “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows those who take refuge in Him.” This wisdom helped me remain focused and able to carry on.

I walked through the storm this year. Let me write that again. I WALKED THROUGH THE STORM THIS YEAR! Whatever situation you are in or storm that’s brewing in your life, remember that “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” Isaiah 40:29.


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