Self-Awareness Super Power

Yes, self-awareness is a super power! It has so many benefits, including building your resilience and confidence. There’s a satisfying power that comes from being YOU!

So, what's self-awareness? It's the ability to understand what makes you, well, you. That includes your personality, actions, values, beliefs, emotions, and thoughts.

Have you ever taken a moment to think about self-awareness and how it fits into your life? You probably naturally know things about yourself, like your favorite foods, fashion style, or ideal vacation. But have you intentionally gone deeper to understand your unique traits, such as your personality, values, and strengths?

As humans, we love to learn. We're eager to know how things work, whether it's cooking, gardening, or losing weight. But how often do we intentionally learn about ourselves, about what makes us who we are? Without this self-knowledge, we might find ourselves hoping things will just fall into place, whether in relationships or at work, which can leave our sense of purpose in a state of uncertainty.

Life is too short to not recognize your gifts, strengths, and talents. You may not check all the boxes in life and based upon your strengths and gifts, you’re not meant to! That is liberating.

When you're deeply self-aware, you naturally focus on what you're good at, and that builds your confidence. For instance, I've learned over time that I excel in processes and problem-solving. It took a while to figure that out, but it became evident in my career. I'm also empathetic and compassionate, a collaborator by nature, which sometimes makes decision-making a bit tricky.

I am an Enneagram 2 (Helper) with a 9 (Peacemaker) wing. The basic fear of a 2 is being unwanted and unworthy of being loved. Man, this is so true. I have a tendency to work too much so the fear of being unwanted disappears. I have to intentionally watch for this in my life to remain balanced and focused on the most important things. With the knowledge of my personality I am able to be self-aware and utilize tools to keep me in a healthy state of life.

Understanding my personality helps me stay self-aware and use tools to lead a balanced and healthy life. Being self-aware comes with perks like experiencing joy and living life in a way that aligns with your unique blueprint.


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