Bounce Back Stronger

Are you coming out of a difficult or challenging time in your life? Maybe…

  • You’ve gone through a tough breakup and you’re finally seeing hope for the future. 

  • You’ve lost a parent and it’s made you reflect on their lives and how you want yours to look a little different. You’re ready for change. 

  • You thought you’d be further in your career than you are and you’re determined to reach your career goals.

  • You’ve found yourself financially broke and you’re ready to make a plan and set goals to get on track. 

First, let me say, that YOU CAN DO THIS!! Moving forward successfully requires not only having a well-defined plan with specific goals, but also being equipped with the necessary skills, tools, and support to thrive in the future. Life is full of surprises and challenges, and to prepare for them you will need to focus on your overall health and well-being, including managing your emotions. 

Like many people, I didn't pay much attention to my emotions. I simply accepted them as they came and didn't realize I had the power to control my responses and actions. Read that again! I have the power to control my responses and actions! Failing to control your emotions can negatively impact your personal and professional life, robbing you of joy and peace, often over things that aren't based on facts or real information

As you’re navigating a new you, or bouncing back from a challenging time in your life, here are some practical tips for becoming aware of and managing your emotions:

  1. Journal your emotions. You can simply use a general notebook from the store to start tracking your emotions.

  • What this looks like:

    • Track your emotions for 30 days.

    • If you struggle with words to express how you feel, try using an emotions/feelings wheel.

  • Log emotions 3x a day, morning, noon, and night, if possible.

    • Track where you were when you felt the emotion. Who was involved and how you felt. 

    • Every week, take a look back on your emotions. Look for themes in terms of recurring emotions. Maybe certain people or situations trigger you to feel a certain way. 

  • Once the 30 days are up, identify overall your emotions. 

      • What things are you handling well vs. things you might be struggling with?

    • Are the emotions you are feeling serving you well? Are they based on factual information or simply a feeling? 

2. Determine actions you should take in response to the emotion. Use the 4 A’s to guide you: Avoid, Accept, Alter, or Adapt. 

  • Is it possible to avoid the situation that triggered the emotion altogether?

  • Is it possible to accept the situation that triggered the emotion? This may mean you need to work on stress management or coping skills.

  • Is it possible to alert the situation that triggered the emotion? What control do you have in the situation?

  • Is it possible to adapt to the situation that triggered the emotion?

3. Have grace and empathy with yourself. 

  • We often offer grace and empathy to others, but not to ourselves. Remember, you are growing and learning. You’ll experience successes and setbacks. Keep moving ahead. 

At SOAR S.D., we know how important managing one's emotions is to their overall well-being. We would love to partner with you on your journey. If you’re interested in more information, click the button below. 


Tell Me How It Really Is!


Self-Awareness Super Power