Overall Well-Being This Holiday Season

Hey friend! Lori here to bring you tips to achieve overall well-being this holiday season!

The weather is changing here in Tennessee, and the leaves are painting a beautiful picture, reminding us that the holiday season is just around the corner with Thanksgiving only three weeks away!

When you're making your holiday to-do list, remember to take care of yourself too. Prioritize your well-being and needs alongside the holiday festivities.

Preparing for the holidays goes beyond the physical tasks like updating your home, stocking up on food, going to parties, and buying gifts.

While these activities are enjoyable, it's easy to become consumed by the 'must-dos,' leaving us unaware of how we truly feel. Emotions can run deep during the holiday season, and sometimes, we may not even realize the extent of what we're experiencing.


5 Tips For Well-Being This Holiday Season

featured_seasonal_and_gifts Imagine your holiday season. What does it feel like? What will you do more or less of? Take time to re-evaluate your values and layout what the upcoming holiday season will look like for you. Where will you spend time, how will you set boundaries, who will you spend time with, what will bring you joy, what ways can you serve others?
featured_seasonal_and_gifts Spend time each day recognizing things you are grateful for. Shifting your mentality towards gratitude helps you see what you DO have vs. what you don't have in your life.
featured_seasonal_and_gifts Be aware of your thoughts and self-talk. Self-talk is a reflection of your inner thoughts and beliefs. By paying attention to it, you can gain insight into your emotions, values, and self-perception. This self-awareness can help you better understand yourself and your motivations. You can use our FREE values exercise found here
featured_seasonal_and_gifts Be aware of the expectations you have for yourself and others. What will you say yes or no to this holiday season? What are you expecting others to do or say? When you don't have unrealistic or high expectations of others, you are less likely to be disappointed when they don't meet those expectations. This can lead to fewer negative emotions and conflicts in your relationships.
featured_seasonal_and_gifts It's perfectly okay if you're not looking forward to the holidays this year because they may not feel the same as they used to. Whether you've experienced the loss of a loved one or the year has been full of unexpected challenges and heartache, your feelings are valid. Traditions and celebrating the season may look different than in the past.

Invest in yourself

This holiday season, take notice of your overall well-being and mental health in the present moment.

Practicing mindfulness, the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, is important to remaining grateful for the current moment and the live you’ve been given with family and family.

We’d love to partner with you to layout a plan that matches your overall well-being needs for this upcoming holiday season.

To learn more about our promotion, click here.


Hope in Adversity


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