Having a Good Attitude is a Choice

Leading Yourself Well

Work has been over-the-top stressful lately, filled with unexpected changes, raising the bar for me to deliver. I’ve been tired (mentally exhausted) and found myself with a bad attitude showing up at home. Let me paint a picture of what this looked like.

  • The frustrations at work played over and over in my head.

  • I talked continually about how this and that was so hard.

  • I tried to control the things I couldn’t, which left me working more hours than I needed. The result was I felt empty. I often try to communicate to others how I’m doing with the comparison of how full (or not full) my cup is. It’s been almost completely dry.

  • I felt unhappy and was looking for something to make things better.

I work from home full-time, which is hard for me. I am a people person and enjoy collaborating and connecting. It’s like air for me to breathe. When I am stuck in a small room, with the door shut, on virtual Zoom meetings, I suffocate slowly throughout the day. Saturday my husband encouraged me to get out of the house. So, I did. At first, being out didn’t help. I was frustrated with slow drivers and things in general. As I walked through a random store I felt God remind me that He had given me the day, I wasn’t promised tomorrow, and to find joy in embracing all the things he made me to enjoy. I stopped, tried my best to let tears show, and was so grateful we serve a God who loves us so much to remind us to be joyful.

I had to intentionally evaluate the situation and how I was thinking and then acting to enable a healthier life. Each of us are responsible for our attitudes. Often, what we think and the posture of our attitude, reflects what others will see and hear from us. Remember, your attitude is a catchy thing and will impact those around you.

Below are 3 things to do when you find yourself with a bad attitude.

  1. Remember, this is the day that the Lord has made. Psalm 118:24 “The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today.” He has gifted us with the time we have to be grateful and remember all He has done for us.

  2. Choose to look for the good in each day. When you feel a bad attitude coming on take 5 minutes and write down or tell someone 3 things you’re grateful for.

  3. Reflect on what you’ve been thinking about. Remember to only focus your energy on things that are within your control.

One day at a time, friend! Having a good attitude is one area of leading yourself well. It’s not always going to be perfect, however, with the right tools you can make necessary adjustments throughout each day,


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