Path to Clarity and Growth PLUS

Transform your life with Personalized 1:1 Coaching Sessions!

Unlock the path to a more fulfilling and self-aware life with our comprehensive 6-week group program.

This program offers all of the same benefits as Path to Clarity and Growth (1:1 coaching offer) + the following:

  • Emotional Intelligence EQi 2.0 assessment and coaching.

  • 6 individual 1:1 coaching sessions for maximum support.


This Program Is For You If…

  • You feel stuck and want clarity.

  • You struggle with understanding your true self.

  • You desire to align your goals and decisions with your core values.

  • You are looking to uncover and develop your strengths.

  • You want to create a realistic and actionable transformation plan.

  • You value additional 1:1 coaching time to thoroughly develop and execute your personal growth plan.


Path to Clarity and Growth PLUS

12 Personalized 1:1 Coaching Sessions

This 1:1 package—Packed with practical tools, in-depth training, and extensive resources—this program is your key to finally investing in yourself, feeling more confident than ever before, and receiving the support you need to achieve your personal goals.

Once you’ve finished the program, you’ll have:

Deepened self-awareness and clarity about your life's direction.

Practical tools and a personalized plan for ongoing growth.

A strong alignment of your goals with your core values.

Enhanced confidence and a clearer sense of identity.

Enhanced ability to manage emotions make better decisions and feel happier overall.

A clear understanding of your unique strengths.

Don't just think about the changes you want in life. It's time to take action!

Discover clarity, unlock your potential, and thrive with our coaching offering.

Your journey starts now!

Here’s what we’ll cover in the coaching package:

  • Together we’ll dive into reflective exercises that explore your past experiences, uncovering insights into your identity and personal patterns.

  • Clarify your core values through guided exercises, ensuring your goals and decisions align with what truly matters to you.

  • Pre-Session: Complete the Enneagram assessment individually. Identify your core personality type, providing a foundation for deeper self-understanding.

  • The levels of development in the Enneagram show how people's personalities can range from healthy to unhealthy. By understanding these levels, you can learn more about yourself and how to grow personally.

  • 6 sessions, each 60 minutes.

    Tailored sessions to focus on any aspect you choose! This is your time to work through any hurtles.

  • Set SMART goals based on retrospection, values, and Enneagram insights.

  • Review and refine your transformation plan, address any obstacles, and receive personalized support.


Let’s Talk Money, Honey 


$237 USD

(Most flexible!)



$1397 USD

( That’s A Steal!)

By investing in yourself, you're taking a crucial step towards a more fulfilled and purposeful life. Remember, your growth and happiness are worth every effort and belief in your potential.

Embrace this journey with courage and commitment, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to the life you envision.

You ready to get started with me?  


PLUS, you’ll get all these bonuses on top of all that learning… 

  • Resources and printouts related to the coaching service.

  • Free Follow-Up Session: A 30-minute follow-up session one month after completing the package to review progress and make any necessary adjustments to your growth plan.

  • Discount on Future Services: A 10% discount on any future coaching packages or sessions booked within the next six months.

“Because of SOAR Clarity Coaching, I have a better understanding of my personality and the type of person I am today!”

Jess m.
If you think this sounds amazing but need more info

I’ve been exactly where you are. Investing in yourself with a personal coach….

I want to give you the life-changing experience I wish I had when I needed it most.

If something like this had been available back then, I would have invested in myself to find a more fulfilling and confident life.

Meet your personal coach

Lori Prust

I’m a Certified Life, Enneagram, and Emotional Intelligence Coach with over 20 years of leadership in software engineering and technology. I am passionate about empowering individuals to discover their unique gifts and talents, while fostering increased self-confidence, healthier relationships, and work environments.

Ready to invest in yourself?

We’d love the opportunity to work with you! Now is the time to invest in yourself to live a confident and fulfilling life!

Still have some questions? We’ve got you covered.

  • You can expect to gain clarity on your values, understand your Enneagram personality type, enhance emotional intelligence, set actionable goals, and achieve overall personal growth and well-being.

  • The Enneagram assessment will provide deep insights into your core motivations, behaviors, and growth areas, offering a framework for understanding yourself better and fostering personal development.

  • Yes, this program is designed to accommodate individuals at various stages of their personal development journey, whether you're new to coaching or have prior experience.

  • Coaching sessions are highly personalized to address your unique goals, challenges, and aspirations. Each session is tailored to ensure relevance and effectiveness in achieving your desired outcomes.

  • We typically meet weekly for 60-minute sessions, with a flexible schedule to accommodate your availability and pace your progress effectively.

  • You'll have access to ongoing support between sessions via email or brief check-ins to address any questions, provide additional guidance, and ensure your progress remains on track.

  • Confidentiality is paramount. Your personal information and discussions during coaching sessions are kept strictly confidential, adhering to professional ethics and guidelines.


Let’s Do This – Together!

Take charge of your life with our personalized 1:1 coaching package. We’d be honored to work with you!

If you still have questions, let’s hop on a call to talk through them. You can book time here.