Discover the True You!

4-week 1:1 coaching journey

Unlock the path to a more fulfilling and self-aware life with our comprehensive 4-week, 60 minute, 1:1 coaching package.


This package is for you if….

  • You're ready to take control of your life and make meaningful changes.

  • You seek clarity and direction in your personal or professional life.

  • You want to discover and leverage your unique strengths and talents.

  • You're committed to investing in your personal growth and development.

  • You desire increased self-confidence and healthier relationships.


Discover the True You Coaching Package

Designed to provide deep insights and clarity, this package is perfect for those looking to:

  • Understand their personal identity.

  • Align their actions with their core values.

  • Develop a concrete growth plan.

By investing in this coaching package, you can address your feelings of unworthiness, gain confidence in your unique gifts, and create a path toward a more authentic and fulfilling life.

This Service Includes

Session 1

Retrospection & Introspection

To begin, we will dive into reflective exercises that explore your past experiences, uncovering insights into your identity and personal patterns.

Session 2

Enneagram Test

You will take an Enneagram assessment to identify your core personality type, providing a foundation for deeper self-understanding.

Session 3

Values Exercise

Clarify your core values through guided exercises, ensuring your goals and decisions align with what truly matters to you.

Session 4

Action Growth Plan

Work collaboratively to devise a personalized action plan that outlines clear steps for your personal development and growth.

Meet your personal coach

Lori Prust

I’m a Certified Life, Enneagram, and Emotional Intelligence Coach with a passion for empowering individuals to discover their unique gifts and talents, while fostering increased self-confidence, healthier relationships, and work environments.

Don't just think about the changes you want in life. It's time to take action!

Your journey starts now!

“Because of SOAR Clarity Coaching, I have a better understanding of my personality and the type of person I am today!”

Jess m.
service cost

Let’s Talk Money, Honey 


$99 USD

(Most Flexible)


$499 USD

( That’s A Steal!)

If you think this sounds amazing but need more info

I’ve been exactly where you are. By being part of this program….

I want to give you the life-changing experience I wish I had when I needed it most.

If something like this had been available back then, I would have invested in myself to find a more fulfilling and confident life.

Ready to invest in yourself?

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn more about yourself. You are so worth it!

Still have some questions? We’ve got you covered.

    • Self-Understanding: Get a better understanding of who you are and how you behave with the Enneagram assessment and some reflective exercises.

    • Values Clarity: Figure out what really matters to you, make better decisions, and ensure your actions match your values.

    • Foundation for Growth: Build a strong foundation for personal growth and future success.

  • YES!

    • Free Follow-Up Session: A 30-minute follow-up session one month after completing the package to review progress and make any necessary adjustments to your growth plan.

    • Discount on Future Services: A 10% discount on any future coaching packages or sessions booked within the next six months.

  • *Customized reflective exercises tailored to your unique experiences.

    *Comprehensive Enneagram assessment with a personalized feedback report.

    *An in-depth values identification workshop.

    *A detailed and actionable growth plan to guide your personal development.

  • We can meet virtually, or if you’re in the Chattanooga area, we can meet face-to-face.

    You can choose a time that works best for you.

  • Absolutely. You can contact us at or fill out out contact form here.


Let’s Do This – Together!

Unlock the path to a more fulfilling and self-aware life with our comprehensive 4-session, 60 minute, coaching package.