Ecclesiastes: A Time for Everything

Throughout my adult life, I've frequently used phrases like 'It's the season I'm in,' 'seasons of life change,' or 'it's a season and it won't last forever.' There's truly a time for everything, including key times in life such as marriage, parenting, caring for aging parents, pursuing a career, and more.

In the Bible, Ecclesiastes 3, believed to have been written around the 3rd century by King Solomon, discusses the cycles of seasons and events experienced in our lives on this earth. The verse states, 'There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.' If you haven't revisited this scripture recently, I’d encourage you to take time to understand the message. It serves as a critical reminder that the rhythms of time are appointed by God Himself. He not only determines our birth and death but also serves as the architect of the world and the seasons we go through in our lives.

Throughout life, as humans, we will encounter different seasons. It’s a given. As the passage in Ecclesiastes references, some of the seasons will be easier than others. You can draw parallels between these seasons and the moments in our lives, or those experienced by people around us. For example, a time to weep and a time to laugh. Think back to a time when you laughed. Maybe so hard that tears flowed! Now, think back to a time when you cried with deep sorrow. I mean a really intense cry. Maybe someone hurt you or you experienced some type of loss in your life.

Reflecting on my life's journey, I've encountered some challenging seasons. These times included experiences of loss, tears, mourning, holding back, soul-searching, and even times of surrender. Have you experienced similar seasons in your life?

Our mission at SOAR S.D. is to walk alongside you through life's different seasons. These experiences you go through shape who you become. When change comes, you're given a choice: either embrace it or resist it. Embracing change isn't simple. It’s letting go of things you once loved or once served you well. It’s embracing the new and letting go of the old, at times. Reflecting on my toughest seasons, I realized the value of having someone by my side—someone to talk with, to help me identify a new direction and road map for my life, to reignite hope for the future, and to rediscover clarity about my needs, desires, passions, and purpose once the season passed. It's an honor for us to join you, whether you're journey is starting or ending.

As you search for peace throughout life’s transitions, we’d be honored to walk alongside you, whether you're in the middle of a season or stepping out of it. Life transitions bring changes in people, emotions, priorities, and time. As life changes, and you enter into new chapters, we're here to help you uncover what really matters to you—your needs, what gets you excited, your dreams, and what drives you—no matter where you are in life's journey.


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